Saturday, December 04, 2004

saturday again...

Well, sugar cookies have been made. They have holiday sprinkles. They taste delicious.

I should honestly be in bed right now. Silly ol' me. I'm actually going to try to wade through the rest of the Firefly box set's commentaries before it gets too late. I'm having buyer's remorse for the Magnavox DVD player and Martin. Don't get me wrong...Martin was an interesting character study but the combo of that film, the new DVD player, and the quick loss of bank in my wallet have proved a bit disconcerting if nothing else. I will post a review of Martin soon, nonetheless. I need to seek out George A. Romero's The Crazies as I've heard that's a much stronger film than Martin. I'll give Martin one has some creepy moments, and one HELL of an ending.

There are rumors that the new trailer for Batman Begins will debut in front of Ocean's Twelve this Friday, as will a new one for Constantine and possibly a teaser for the Steven Spielberg/Tom Cruise remake War Of The Worlds. We will soon see.

So yep...I have to work in the morning. I hope the day's not too taxing. Stress can build up quite easily but hopefully tomorrow won't be too crazy. It'll be quite interesting to have the middle of the week off (Wed, Thurs, Fri) instead of the weekend. At least that frees me up to see Blade Trinity on Wednesday. Perhaps this middle of the week off-time will allow me to conserve more energy instead of going full-tilt nonstop all week practically. (Not that I'm unable to work four days in a row...I'm no novice.)

And drats I didn't get around to watching Lost In Translation this weekend. Another time, this week perhaps. And I without a doubt will be viewing, very soon, the remaining items that are currently housed on TiVo...

Veronica Mars - Tuesdays at 9PM on UPN.

Desperate Housewives - Sundays at 10PM on ABC


As I've previously stated, Frankenstein aired on USA back in October. Well, I'm tired. Have a great week and I'll be back later with more.

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