Friday, December 31, 2004

in place of one goes another....

Sorry for the late update but I've been mad busy. Christmas was fun. I received a very nice bedding set and a flat-screen TV. However, said television has grey streaks running through its image. So I'll be taking it back for an exchange or to get another flat-screen TV.

I still haven't had time to go see any movies as of yet. But I WILL be seeing The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou and Closer sometime this weekend as I get paid today.

I just finished watching Lost In Translation and WOW. Every single wonderful word that's been written about it is so very true. It makes you feel tired, drunk on sake, hopeful, sad, impressed, hungry for sushi, and tinged with longing. Scarlett Johansson is a luminous, radiant, ethereal beauty. I'll post a review in the next fortnight, I promise. And excuse me, Academy, but how the fuck do you give Sean Penn an Oscar for the overpraised piece of shit that Mystic River turned out to be? Talk about much ado about nothing. If Bill Murray doesn't take home Oscar gold this year, I'll be mucho pissed. Or as the 'Genius' Issue of Esquire magazine recently said of Mr. Murray: "WILL SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE THIS MAN AN OSCAR?!"

2005 is slowly approaching and as I look forward I hope that you reading this have a wonderful year. I hope that all of my friends, family, and loved ones will as well. I'd like to write more, read more, become more cultured. My goal is to travel to London before 2006. I'd love nothing more. This is my major plan for the new year and I'll keep you updated on its progress. The year will also mean another lonely annual with no girl on my arm. It stings but I'm not a moper. Less money to spend on gifts and lavish love tokens. It'd still be nice, however, but fate has made up its mind that that is not in the cards for me. So be it.

I had to work from 6-11 tonight. Nothing too taxing and I had fun. Two night shift people are being trained in Assistant Manager positions (different shifts), so I'm having to cover the in-between until they get all situated. Tomorrow I'm working 5-10 and the same on Saturday. Sunday I'm off and hopefully after next week I'll be back to my usual schedule of being off Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. And for the rare non sequitur, I got a haircut and thus feel thirty pounds lighter.

Today I plan to purchase this:

Battlestar Galactica - The Miniseries

I've heard great things of it and look forward to immersing myself in its storyline. Let's face it, sci-fi as a genre has been severely lacking on television as of late. And all I keep hearing is just how dark and intelligent this is. Also I've never really watched the original '70s series.

Then on Friday, January 14th at 9PM/8C, SCI FI will debut....

Battlestar Galactica

Our friends across the pond have been watching the series on UK's Sky One since October and word of mouth has been increasingly good. Also, pay close attention for a shot of the ship Serenity, from Firefly 10 minutes into the premier episode. Zoic Studios, the visual effects studio that won an Emmy for their work on Firefly, is also doing the work for Battlestar Galactica and threw that in as an in-joke. Zoic will also be doing the effects for the movie Serenity.

So for all things Battlestar Galactica, please visit

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